Scott SMith
Counselor & Group Leader
I was so radically transformed by my first Sozo at Bethel in 2010 that my wife and I helped start the Sozo ministry at Believer’s Church in Tulsa, OK. In 2014, my wife and I quit our jobs (I was a math teacher and telecom engineer), and we moved to Cape Town, South Africa where I created and ran a math instruction lab for township schoolteachers. We also volunteered as Sozo ministers with the African Sozo Network, and I led men from many cultures towards freedom and deliverance in Sozo sessions.
We returned to the US in 2018 and decided to make Redding, CA our next home. I completed the first year of BSSM in 2018-19, and then I spent the rest of 2019 as a full-time care giver for a family member. In August 2020, I joined the Transformation Center as a Sozo minister and pastoral counselor. I’m also a leader in the Bethel men’s core groups and serve as a Debriefer for Bethel’s long-term missionary team.
Cape Town, SA was a tough act to follow in natural beauty and adventure. But my wife and I have found that exploring Northern California is just as wonderful. We are also delighted that our three children are now employed in the Arts in LA and are not too far away.